Ceybank Gilt Edged Fund : Closed End Gilt-Edged Income Fund


Ceybank Gilt Edged Fund is a Closed End Gilt-Edged Income Fund which invests mainly in a portfolio of Government Securities such as Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds. The primary investment objective of the Fund is to protect capital and provide a regular stream of income through bi-annual dividends. The Fund has a fixed period of maturity.


  • Fund

    • Income Tax - A corporate tax at 10% on its taxable profit
    • Economic Service Charge - 0.5% of Turnover

  • Unit Holders

    • Capital Gains Tax - Capital gains are tax-exempt
    • Dividends - Dividend paid to unit holders are tax free in the hands of unit holders.
    • Withholding Tax - None

Investment Risks

Investors should be aware that the price of Units of this Fund and the dividend paid by the Fund can go down as well as up according to the interest rate fluctuations in the market. Investments in Units differ from bank deposits and there is no guarantee of any fixed returns.

The Fund is mainly subject to interest rate risk and re-investment risk during the period of the Fund's maturity.